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Contributor II

Alert viewer not responding

I recently (13 May 2022) updated Windows 10 with the latest updates and immediately after that I've started experiencing problems with the alert viewer. The viewer appears but as a white block without any content in it, I can move the block and dismiss it but I can't click on anything in it. if I leave the block on the screen it hangs and shows that the application is not responding. I have replicated this behavior twice now and I can't figure out how else to manage the alert messages to allow or deny apps from connecting to the internet.


I've set my firewall to let me decide whenever an application needs to connect to the internet and with the alert viewer hanging I can't perform this task. Is there any other place I can manage this task without changing my setting in the firewall.


I've tried updating Mcafee and reinstalling Mcafee but it does not help. also tried updating Java but that didn't help either.

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