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Help and User Guide For Scheduling Scans Wrong

I am running McAfee Security Suite (3-user) Version 9.11 on my Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop (1.86 GZ Centrino with 60 MB HD and 2 GB RAM), Windows XP Pro SP3.

I had to re-install yesterday because of repeated "Your computer is not protected messages" which the 'Fix' action failed to fix. After installation, I wanted to set my virus scan schedule and went to Help | Schedule Scans. The instructions are wrong, in particular, the instruction sequence for opening the Scheduled Scan pane. To help others who may want to schedule scans, I'm posting the following:

Here is a verbatim dump of the help file:

“Schedule scans that thoroughly check your entire computer for viruses and other threats using your default scan options. By default, VirusScan performs a scheduled scan once a week.
1. Open the Scheduled Scan pane.
1. Under Common Tasks, click Home.
2. On the SecurityCenter Home pane, click Computer & Files.
3. In the Computer & Files information area, click Configure.
4. On the Computer & Files Configuration pane, ensure that virus protection is enabled, and click Advanced.
5. Click Scheduled Scan in the Virus Protection pane.”

The above won't work. The correct sequence for opening the Scheduled Scan pane is as follows:

1. Open the Advanced Menu (bottom of left pane). There should be an arrow in a circle pointing to the phrase “Advanced Menu.” If it points to “Basic Menu” instead, that means you are already in the Advanced Menu (not that anything in the window tells you that!)
2. In the right pane select (click on) “Computers & Files.”
3. In the left pane, one of the rows says “Configure.” Click it.
4. In the right pane, one of the areas (the 2nd one) is marked “Virus protection is enabled.” The lower right of that area has a button marked “Advanced…” Click it.
5. The left pane has a list which includes “> Scheduled Scan.” Click that.
6. Now follow step 2, ff., from the help menu.

Note how very different this sequence is from the one in help. The first sequence above will not work. Step 3 will not take you to anything that looks like a “Computer and Files Configuration Pane,” and whatever “Advanced” button you click will not offer a “Scheduled Scan” option. It is hopelessly wrong.

I hope this saves other McAfee subscribers from the frustration and time-wasting I experienced. McAfee take note: correct the help file please.

P.S. The McAfee User Guide (http://download.mcafee.com/products/manuals/en-us/MTP_userguide_2009.pdf, page 51) has the same error.
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