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Message 1 of 2

Adobe McAfee installation

Why, oh why McAfee do you continue to plauge the IT community?

Do you somehow think that adding your "security scan" to the adobe installers is going to help you sell your "product"?

You know what will make it sell?  Word of mouth.  Not sneaking it into someone's OS.  It's dishonest, and I can see that your company is using underhanded methods to get your crappy software on peoples' computers.

Your money game is going to implode sooner or later, McAfee.  Pretty soon you'll be forced to adapt to today's threats and make a working product or you'll go under.

1 Reply
Message 2 of 2

Re: Adobe McAfee installation

IT, aren't you talking about Enterprise?   Sorry but you posted in home products.

Adobe are at least 50% to blame for making it an automatically checked option with their download on their webpages.  Besides McAfee Security Scan Plus, which by the way is merely a security checker and is easily removed in the normal manner, they also include Norton's equivalent of it plus Google Chrome and possibly many others depending on what you are downloading.

It's their fault that they don't make it more obvious.   I've been caught by it in the past too.  It's just an annoyance and in this cut throat business world doesn't surprise me, but I wish they would make it unchecked by default.

There are scores of similar instances out there with lots of different software makers so it isn't anything new.

We have mentioned it many times in our weekly calls with McAfee and apparently it's a joint decision of both McAfee and Adobe marketing departments and there is nothing we can do about it here.

Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 26/08/11 7:30:59 EDT PM
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